Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Have a low spot that gets lots of water, in full sun all morning hot in summer with lo humidity. ? to plant???

In front of house in decorative area. Fair drainage.
Have a low spot that gets lots of water, in full sun all morning hot in summer with lo humidity. ? to plant???
Sounds like a perfect place for a bog garden. Plants that like to have their feet wet all the time like pond plants. Pick up a few at your local nursery they a labeled as bog plants in a special section. Add Some amendments to the soil and small rocks for stability and some large rocks to edge the area and wala you have a whole different type of garden.
Reply:Try the oriental poppy, daffodil, scarlet sage or rosemary.
Reply:anything TROPICAL. Canna Lily, Tall Ornimental Grass, any climbing vines or Roses, they love the sun and have a large thirst. Clematis also would work, the blooms are absolutely breathtaking. No Hostas, they like the water but are strictly shade perennials. No morning glories, the are sensative to heat and like shade as well. Really and full sun perennial would work, shasta daisy, purple cone flowers, black eyed susans, butterfly bush,......and they are all perennials.
riding boots

How do stop my spider plant from dying?

Sometime in December or January I bought a spider plant. It was very healthy looking full and green. Since then it has declined in health. The leaves started turning brown. I looked up information on the internet but everything they have suggested does not seem to help (less water, more water, distilled water, more sun, less sun, miracle grow). The plant gets sun but is not in direct sunlight.

I don't know what to do. That beautiful plant has died in the middle and now the left side is drooping and brown. Help me save my plant !!
How do stop my spider plant from dying?
Check out this link:

If your plant continues to turn brown, then it is time to buy a new plant and start all over again. This happens. Gardeners are use to having to start over.

I wish you well.
Reply:How frustrating! It sounds like you've got the light right, so you probably have insects (spider mites are a huge problem with houseplants) or a plant disease. What usually works for me:

1. I buy and apply some Bayer Advanced Disease Control for Roses, Flowers, and Shrubs - I get it from my local Walmart, but it's also at Lowes, Home Depot, etc.

2. I let the soil dry out between waterings; this usually means only watering once per week %26amp; making sure that weekly watering is good and deep. The first watering, and every three months after that, I add the Bayer stuff to the water at the rate it says on the package.

Good luck!

How come my tomato plant's r turning brown, i water them every nite after sun down and still no clues.?

just the leaves r turning brown, any help would b greatfull, thank u.....
How come my tomato plant's r turning brown, i water them every nite after sun down and still no clues.?
You may be watering it too much.
Reply:If they are the bottom leaves just pull them off. bottom leaves always die off as the plant grows. It may be lacking some vitamins in the soil that it needs. If its all over the plant.

check out

look for growing tomatoes and look for a place near you that sells tomatoe tone (4-7-10) by espoma (organic gardening)

Good luck

Reply:you are probably over watering your plant, water only a couple of times a week real good
Reply:You are watering them too much. They do not need to be watered daily.

  • blushed
  • What are the fuel sources for a non Fossil Fueled Nuclear plant? .... the sun?

    No nuclear plant uses fossil fuels. They use fissile material, most often uranium 235. The sun provides all the energy on our planet either directly (light and heat) or indrectly (photosynthesis, solar power) with the exception of nuclear power.
    What are the fuel sources for a non Fossil Fueled Nuclear plant? .... the sun?
    lol a nucluer power plant juns off the heat the reacting uranium makes it turns the water in to high pressur steam and is pushed through a turbine generoter then is put through a condenser turning it to water agian and the prosses repeats
    Reply:Nuclear plants use U235 as the fuel in a fission reaction. This isotope of uranium is obtained from uranium ore that is mined. It has to be separated from the minerals that the mixture of uranium is found in.

    The sun uses hydrogen and its isotopes to produce its energy in fission reactions that fuse the nuclei together to form larger elements. The hydrogen atoms and molecules exist in space and are drawn together by gravitational attraction. A large cloud forms and becomes denser and denser as more and more hydrogen is added to it. Eventually the cloud heats up as it becomes larger and denser so that it "ignites" into a fusion reaction.

    Good Plants for full sun garden in North Carolina?

    I want lots of color in my front garden, but it is in full sun all day. I am going to plant some knock out shrub roses and I have a row of hawthorne in the back, it has small white flowers in May. What kind of flowering plants can I put in the garden for good bursts of color throughout the season. I prefer to have good perennial plants and then plant an annual border each year. This year we have snap dragons and petunias as a border, but it is a very large planting bed and we need more color.
    Good Plants for full sun garden in North Carolina?
    I love day lilies- they are cheap multiply like crazy and require little care. They come in so many different varieties that it is easy to pick some you like.

    the link below is to easy to grow bulbs. I got some Lillie's from them last year and was very pleased:

    Also perennial:

    Shasta daisy, really easy likes the sun

    Russian sage- purple likes the heat

    In the annual category:

    Salvias are also nice in full sun. I am a big fan of the annual red salvia you purchase at Lowe's.

    Dusty miller is nice as an accent and takes no care.

    Marigolds and geraniums are pretty bright.

    Just some ideas, I always have fun just looking at the online gardening sites to get ideas. Happy planting, Spring is here
    Reply:Wave petunias will add a TREMENDOUS amount of color and are large and showy.. Vincas are a good choice in sun as well. Marigolds will do nicely as well, Mexican heather.. All have nice color and will take the sun.
    Reply:a couple of my favorite full sun perrennials are Russian sage a very large,blue spiky plant that starts blooming around the middle of july very fragrant,monardia or bee balm another taller perrennial that blooms in reds,pinks purple and white again another great smelling perrennial,gallardia or blanklet flower comes in reds yellows and oranges these are about 2 feet tall and once they start blooming they bloom until frost,and my very favorite are perrennial asters again taller plants that start blooming around the end of july and bloom until frost they are always covered with flowers and there are many colors to choose from if you need more ideas check out wayside gardens that's a site that can really give you plenty of ideas. Good luck!
    my rodents

    Where is a good place to plant a Banana Tree, I live in North east Georgia. Sun, Shade, etc....?

    They can freeze but they grow back.

    They reproduce rapidly and can quickly expand into quite a large area. Sun is the best but make sure that it is an area with a lot of room.
    Where is a good place to plant a Banana Tree, I live in North east Georgia. Sun, Shade, etc....?
    You should plant it in a movable container and bring it in for the winter.

    I would like to know if a tomatoe plant needs sun all day long?

    how much water
    I would like to know if a tomatoe plant needs sun all day long?
    no.. about 6hrs.. i have mine getting morning sun then afternoon shade... %26amp; depending on u'r weather.. %26amp; humidity... I have potted tom... i water them twice a day really good. In ground if u put mulch around them u may b able to get away w/ twice a day but if u c the leaves curling too mch... more water.
    Reply:Yeap full sun, they love it.
    Reply:It needs @ least 6 hrs. I did plant 2 plants last yr. in partial sun, didn,t do great tho. I water every 2-3 days.
    Reply:no,but at least 6 to 8 hours the sun helps to sweeten and ripen them better
    Reply:Water every day in this heat. Sun all day is the best but at least 3/4 of a day. Make sure that your soil drains well and that you keep a good layer of mulch. If you can't water ever day then...more mulch and maybe some of the soil water holders.
    Reply:The more the merrier. That's why tomatoes grow more in the Mediterranean, where the sun is a scorcher.

    Water loads, but just after sundown, or the water will boil the roots. (So to speak, but it does damage plants to be watered in the full sun)
    Reply:My tomato plant gets half-sun and

    a daily drink of water.

    Right now, it's taking over the back yard.

    If it gets any larger, I might have to

    re-name it, THE THING.

    Today, while I was cutting the grass,

    it bit the lawn mover.
    Reply:i water mine every 2 to 3 days. get a spade and turn over a small patch of soil, its probably still moist even after a couple of hot sunny days. and full sun is best. good luck

    Does an algarve plant require sun or shade?

    Sun, and plenty of it, it is in the cactus family so therefore you should treat it as you would a cactus.
    Does an algarve plant require sun or shade?

  • how to apply
  • I planted a sun shrub , and I want to know if it will come back from the dead?

    Around Mothers day last year, we planted a sun shrub in my deck, above the ground..... I don't know if the shrub had time before winter to spread its roots out enough to reach the actual ground. So I don't know if if the roots froze over winter and is it dead or what.....It shows no signs as of now of budding....... does anyone know what time of the year shrubs start budding...... any feed back at all is greatly appreciated...... I just want to know if I should dig it up and plant something else or should i just wait patiently???
    I planted a sun shrub , and I want to know if it will come back from the dead?
    Sun shrub? Never heard of it... It was planted IN your deck?The shrub is not planted in the ground? I'm not understanding.
    Reply:I would wait a bit. A lot of shrubs can be cut way back to maybe 6 inches above the ground and will regrow. Many plants were late to break dormancy this year. I would water it really good and wait and see. It couldn't hurt.

    In Phoenix this year a lot of people lost stuff because of all the frost days we had. I cut my lantanas and bouganivillas way back and they are regrowing well, but I completely lost a rubber tree plant.

    It sort of depends on the type of shrub and your climate.
    Reply:What color is the sun shrub?

    I had a shrub in my garden, never watered it. It turned orange and at that time I assumed it was dead.

    It sure did have a root system.
    poison ivy

    What are good plants that take sun all day long?

    I am doing some landscaping in a few months and wanted to get a few names of some plants that don't require a lot of water and are good in sun all day long....we live in Missouri, by the way. Thanks.
    What are good plants that take sun all day long?
    . 1 Spider Plant (Chlorophytum comosum)

    2. Devil's Ivy or Pothos (Scindapsus or Epipremnum)

    Mother-in-law's tongue or Snake plant or Bird's-nest plant (Sansevieria

    4. Jade plant (Crassula argentea)

    5. Christmas Cactus (Zygocactus or Schlumbergera)

    6. Rubber plant or Rubber tree (Ficus elastica)

    7. Parlor palm (Chamaedorea elegans)

    8. African Violet (Saintpaulia

    9. Aloe (Aloe)

    Well if you don't want house plants. Plants good for outdoors are:

    Roses: Almost all roses need at least six hours of sun a day to bloom their best, so roses are perfect for all your sunny spots

    Butterfly Bush: A perfect choice for southern gardens, butterfly bushes are extremely tolerant of heat and humidity. They thrive in difficult conditions like very sunny spots and have tons of beautiful blooms, which can range in color from blue to lavender, pink to red, and even white.

    Daisies: There are few flowers as cheerful as daisies. A mass planting of daisies in bloom is sure to bring a smile to anyone��s face, and they are perfect additions to any sunny garden.

    Lilies and lavenders are a great choice for a sunny walkway!

    All of these plants are good in the sun and require little water. Just google them and see if you like them.
    Reply:I think the previous answer is for house plants. Could you please expand your question and tell me if you want trees, shrubs or flowers?
    Reply:Lots and lots. Camelia, gardenia, boxwood, willow, cherry, peach and a gazillion other shrubs/trees. Black eyed susans, day lillies, dahlia, carnation, wild flowers, geranium, zinnia, new guinnea impatiens and bunches more flowers.

    have fun
    Reply:With respect to azaleas, there are few, if any, which will take unrelieved sun, especially during summer months. The best candidates for this are in the Southern Indica variety, but even there one has to be careful. Salmon colors tend to fade in too much sun. So 'Judge Solomon' would fall into that category. A better possibility might be 'Phoenicia' or 'George Lindley Taber'. Those are possibilities, not guarantees. The next question would be your winter temperatures, e.g. how far below freezing do they generally go and when do they tend to begin and end. October/November? March/April?

    Some succulents would work well in sun all day with a minimum of water. The question there, too, would be how cold your temperatures get in the winter.

    One good plant which will survive a fair degree of heat and cold is Burfordi Holly. It can be planted individually or used in a hedge form. Crepe Myrtle is another, though it can become a tree, if not trimmed back from time to time. It has the advantage of several good colors, e.g. white, orchid, various hues of red. A vine which tends to remain evergreen is 'Carolina Jessamine' which is often sold as 'Carolina Jasmine'. The yellow flowers on it appear in profusion in the spring. It will take the cold and heat.
    Reply:cannas need full sun and water to bloom. it can be 120 degrees in full sun with water. 90 and full sun is pefered. cannas are bulbs cold hardy to 5 degrees.Since you get colder than that, waith till frost when the plant dies back, then cut the plant, and take the bulb out. then in the spring re-plant the bulbs


    do a search on agraves to find out some of these plants are cold hardy to -20. An example is parrys agrave.

    here is a link and some photos of a parry agrave

    this requires full sun, and needs to be dry

    Can I plant a Taxodium in my landscape?

    I want to plant a Taxodium Distichum Bald Cypress in my landscape, but I am afraid that it will cast to much shade on my other sun loving plants. It would be about 20' from my cercis Oklahoma and my mexican pine. The cultavar is called, Shawnee Brave which grows about 80' high and about 20' wide when it is fully grown. It grows upright with a somwhat pyramidal habit. It is would be on a lot about 60' wide and 150' deep and placed some where in the middle of the lot. What do you think about this plant? Thanks
    Can I plant a Taxodium in my landscape?
    Bald Cypress are very open trees, their leaves like feathers, your other plants should get plenty of sun light with the new addition

    Can I grow my Erica plant in a pot and placed in North facing garden - No sun.?

    Yes you can, but it won't be so successful
    Can I grow my Erica plant in a pot and placed in North facing garden - No sun.?
    sadly , i fear not . you need full sun in cooler areas for this acid loving shrub . but if it is in a pot and you can move it around , to get sunlight , then fair enough , you might get lucky . good luck !
    Reply:They do need full sun, at least, a good part of the day.

    I have a 24" tall container, what can I plant that would be graceful and interesting, early morn sun?

    Morning Glory.
    I have a 24" tall container, what can I plant that would be graceful and interesting, early morn sun?
    I would plant a cactus. It looks cool and if left in the proper position at night it serves as burglar detourant!
    Reply:Ornamental pepper. Very pretty, different colored fruits, most are edible, too.
    Reply:make sure you are planting a tropical plant if indoors. they dont have a dormant period.. well ... not like a perrinial or a small tree. Morning sun.. well.. you need more sun for a blooming plant. Go to your local greenhouse. It really will depend on what they have in stock.. they wont steer you wrong! and you can see actual plants.. make sure to bring your container.. for a small fee they will plant whatever you buy.. and give a good chance of survival. Try to resist buying the biggest plant.. yours will grow in time.
    Reply:sunflowers - the tall, narrow shape of the plant with the large bloom at the top works very well.
    shoes stock
  • eye look
  • Is love the sun a house or garden plant?

    a garden plant...
    Is love the sun a house or garden plant?
    i think u can find help in

    i hope this can help
    Reply:Garden Plants

    Looking for the right plant for my plant box. I want it to flower throughout the summer?

    I want a flowering plant that will cascade over the side of the deck. I have 7 hour of sun. The plant box faces to the east.
    Looking for the right plant for my plant box. I want it to flower throughout the summer?
    Calibrachoa....aka Million Bells ....or SuperBells

    Highly recommend for planters ....bloom all summer and will cascade over edges of planter box.

    Comes in so many colors is photo link:;q=...
    Reply:First three that come to mind.....and work well together are the cascade type petunias......even the new Wave series flops a bit. Add Sweet alyssum for a white or purple tint though they don't cascade that much and also lobelia for nice blue accent.

    There are trailing nasturtiums and a trailing geranium......but the geranium gets pretty big, one per box!

    Sweet potato vine would be a foliage flowers but does cascade quite a ways down.

    You didn't say how much you want it to cascade......realize too much and the plant will break off as to get flowering all summer the plant will most likely be an annual which has limited structural integrity.....they don't need it as annuals.
    Reply:Petunias are a safe bet, they will flower all summer and they will even spread and dangle from the box if you get the "wave Petunia" kind. They come in all different colors. But my favorite are Impatiens. They come in very bright colors. They are small and dainty, stay low to the ground and will not spread.
    Reply:Petunias come in a variety of colours and they're great for blooming all season. Be sure to get the varieties that are called "cascade" and do your dead-heading after the blossoms are spent to encourage more to grow.

    The Muse
    Reply:good for you to review...

    I would to know if Geraniums can be planted in full sun?

    I had a piece of a Geranium break off my big plant and just planted it in dirt and placed out from of my house which gets full sun, Is this good?
    I would to know if Geraniums can be planted in full sun?
    More information for you.....happy gardening:
    Reply:Dipping it in rooting hormone before planting would be good-- survival depends on your attention to the plant henceforth.

    Yes, geraniums want full sun.

    good luck
    Reply:There are a lot of varieties of geraniums. But most need full sun (at least six hours a day). See the website below for how to plant cuttings.
    Reply:a broken off piece may not take full sun. It depends a lot on where you live. I have had a few cuttings like this start but most die. I start me cuttings in the basement under lights. I take a small clay pot and plug the bottom hole. I put this pot in the center of a large water tight contained and then fill around the clay pot with agriculture vermiculite. put the cutting into the vermiculite and keep the clay pot full of water (it seeps through and keeps the planting medium wet). about 90% of the cuttings i try to start this way develop good roots

    I have a plant that is green and white. Put in full sun the white turns bright pink. What is it? It's spiny

    I've found numerous plants that fit this description, but not the right one yet. This plant has spiney (sp) limbs that reminds me of something in the succulant family. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated. I wish there was a way to identify all of the houseplants I have. I just don't have any luck on the www. Thank you in advance for any help you can give me.
    I have a plant that is green and white. Put in full sun the white turns bright pink. What is it? It's spiny
    I think that what you may have is a version of a bromeliad called an ananas or pineapple plant. There are many kinds of these, so I can't tell which one it might be. The link below is to a truly magnificent one in fruit. Some of them have the red due to sun normally, some (like mine), only when they get "sunburned" (lol!!), otherwise they are like yours and go back to green and white.

    Sorry you don't have much luck with www -- wish I was there to help teach you.
    Reply:It might be part of the COLEOUS family,as they will change colour with location.
    Reply:Anything with spines I think of some kind of succulent cactus, or Euphorbia millii. The euphob is very spiney as are succulents. There are a lot of them out there.

    One way to tell if it is euphorbia is break a tiny piece off... if white, milky sap comes out, it is euphorbia. Here's a pic:

    Hope this helps!
    Reply:sounds like dro to me
    Reply:I can't see your plant, so I am only guessing. Try looking up aloe vera (or aloe).
    kung fu

    What full sun exposure tree/ bush should I plant in front of my windows for shade. Must also add curb appeal.?

    Since it will be literaly two feet away from the house roots are a major factor. Unfortunately space is limited.
    What full sun exposure tree/ bush should I plant in front of my windows for shade. Must also add curb appeal.?
    Planting any tree or shrub 2 feet from a house -- it's just not enough room. Here's a better suggestion for very narrow spaces: Put up a trellis, and grow a vine on it. You'll have something really pretty that will not create a structural problem and that can be better controlled than a tree. In addition, you will have shade very fast.

    Look for moderate growing vines. You must decided if you need an evergreen one (if you need shade year round) or if you prefer a deciduous one (if you want sun in the winter). Avoid Wisteria at all costs -- it is a very agressive grower and more trouble than it is worth--it is a beautiful vine but for very large spaces only.
    Reply:IF you have a basement DO NOT plant any trees or shrubs that close to a foundation, you risk future problems that will cost thousands!
    Reply:Silver Birch. These are deciduous so they allow the sun in during the winter months and shade for summer. You could grow up to three very close together and not have any effect on your foundations.

    Plus, they will grow in almost any gardening zone.
    Reply:Depends on what zone you live in. I have some dwarf crepe myrtles in a small space under a window. They have pretty blooms (white, red, or pink) and are heat tolerant. I do keep them pruned so they do not overgrow.

    There are many other choices. Check out Wayside Gardens and your local extension service for more ideas.
    Reply:Gingko Biloba (Maidenhair tree) is a good choice for urban environments, as it is very polution-tolerant. It is often planted in those little squares of dirt in the middle of sidewalks. It is also very attractive in the fall. Any tree will have roots that eventually spread out well beyond the dripline of the branches, so I wouldn't plant one that close if you have a foundation that would not stand roots growing underneath it. Instead, try something like a trellis and ivy or roses.
    Reply:You may want to check with your local extension office. (most universitys that have a garden program will have info on your local one). They will be able to tell you what is good for your zone and what is the best type for you. Depending on what your knowledge base is and how much effort you want to put into it.

    They offer this help for free.

    Or you could check with your local garden club. Most city halls have info on them. They are usually made up of volunteers who are willing to show you about gardening.

    Good luck!!

  • make up tips
  • In a week, with sun & water, how much would a plant grow?? (height in cm)?

    How long is a piece of string?

    It depends on the type of plant. A sunflower would probably grow 10 cms, lemongrass would grow about 20cm and a ponytail palm would grow maybe 1mm or less....

    Hydrangea Little Honey ---Does this plant sunburn in full sun (6 hours a day)?

    I live in the fog belt of Northern California, so the sun I receive is often modified. I have small plants that are showing sunburn. I wonder if they will respond better as they grow larger.
    Hydrangea Little Honey ---Does this plant sunburn in full sun (6 hours a day)?
    First of all things are happening to plants acroos the US because everyone is in an extreme heat wave.

    Leaves keep their yellow hue well into summer!

    The Showiest Oakleaf Yet!

    Golden spring leaves, white blooms, scarlet fall foliage, and even bright red stems -- what DOESN'T Little Honey have?

    The most beautiful and distinctive Oakleaf Hydrangea I've ever had the pleasure of seeing, Little Honey adds a whole new look to this family of multi-season shrubs! A sport of the popular dwarf Pee Wee, Little Honey just oozes charm, from its bright gold foliage to its scarlet autumn tones!

    The show begins in early spring, when the large, oakleaf-shaped leaves unfurl a brilliant gold. This color remains right through spring and well into summer, eventually darkening to chartreuse and finally green just as the huge 6- to 8-inch white bloom trusses -- giant snowy wands in the shade garden! -- appear to liven things up again. And with the first nip of autumn cold, the leaves burnish a brilliant scarlet! Even the stems turn red, and if you live in the southern portion of Little Honey's hardiness range, these leaves and stems will stay put right through winter! How's that for all-season beauty!

    Just 4 feet tall and 3 feet wide, Little Honey is the perfect size for the foundation, patio, front-yard accent, or any place of honor in the sunny (in the north) to partially shaded (further south) garden. It looks terrific with its parent Pee Wee, as well as with Azaleas and Kalmias, which bloom in late spring and segue nicely into Little Honey's flower show!

    Pee Wee is famous for its garden-worthiness -- vigor, ease of care,

    Space these 2-year-old plants about 3 feet apart in any good garden soil receiving partial to full sun. Zones 5-9.

    Oakleaf Hydrangea Little Honey

    Botanical Name:

    Hydrangea quercifolia Little Honey

    Growing Zones:

    Zones 5 - 9

    Sun Exposure:

    Part Shade

    Full Sun

    Ship Form:

    Trade Gallon (3 qt)

    Product Category:


    Trees and Shrubs


    Bloom Color:


    Bloom Size:

    6 in - 8 in

    Bloom Season:

    Mid Summer

    Plant Habit:




    Cut Flowers


    Additional Features:


    Special Resistance:

    Heat Tolerant

    Drought Tolerant

    Cold Hardy

    Plant Width:

    3 ft

    Plant Height:

    4 ft
    Reply:i hope you are not sprinkling the water on flowers when sun is shining. this way you can get unnecessary sunburns - getting a hose to water it directly to soil is far better than automatic sprinkler that is on during the hot sunny day. the droplets of water act like magnifying lenses and the sun does the job and burns it.

    Whats the best vine/plant to grow for my pergola that is getting a lot of sun from noon time till sunset?

    Night jasmine or porcelain berry elegans which is a variegated vine.
    Whats the best vine/plant to grow for my pergola that is getting a lot of sun from noon time till sunset?
    A good many perennial vines would work,,wisteria,clematis,bouganvilla,rose... really depends on your climate.I have wisteria and clematis here in Montreal,,but I found that the most rewarding vine for me was the Heavenly blue morning glory which is an annual(but the seeds are viable) or the mt fiji morningglory mix for variety in color.Since you dont have early morn sun,,I think the morningglory is the best because the flowers stay open until they are hit by the sun when they then start to wither.On cloudy days I have had them stay open all day.
    Reply:what growing zone? what are the soil and water conditions?
    Reply:You might also look at japanese wisteria, clematis and jasmine.

    Wayside Gardens has a nice variety ...

    You might also find this article, "Top 10 High-Climbing Vines" of interest ...,,mp...

    Reply:I like honeysuckles. Another favorite is the Don Juan climbing rose.

    Zepherine Drouhin rose is very nice:

    Zephirine Drouhin roses don��t seem to be seriously bothered by either pests or diseases in our often harsh Arizona climate, but like other roses, they will sometimes show iron chlorosis in our alkaline soil and need iron chelate treatment. While they tolerate partial shade, Zephirine Drouhin roses don��t like full shade, as I learned this year when fast-growing mesquite trees began to heavily shade my roses, stunting their growth and drastically reducing their bloom.

    These adaptable roses also do quite well in containers, and I had one Zephirine Drouhin growing happily in a large clay pot on my patio for many years. They can eventually grow up to about 12 feet (3.7 m) tall, but those in containers won��t grow quite as large. Those in my Tucson yard seem to remain at about 6 feet (1.8 m) tall.

    Zephirine Drouhin roses are generally thornless and have pink, semi-double flowers with the wonderful classic Damask rose fragrance that has been unfortunately bred out of so many modern roses. I��m always a bit disgusted when I bend down to smell a big beautiful rose only to discover that it has no scent. Unlike these scentless impostors, Zephirine Drouhin roses actually smell like roses.

    I couldn��t find Zephirine Drouhin roses at my local plant nurseries, so I got mine from a mail order rose catalog, which is where many of the more interesting and rare rose varieties can be found. If you are looking for this rose online, the name is also variably spelled as Zephyrine Drouhin or Z��phirine Drouhin in some online rose catalogs.

    Along with Zephirine Drouhin, another climbing rose that does quite well here in Arizona is the Lady Banks Rose or Tombstone Rose (Rosa banksiae), but it is only faintly fragrant and has a short blooming period, unlike the repeat blooming Zephirine Drouhin.


    Fertilize in spring just before new growth begins.

    Needs three years to get established. Good for pillars or arches. It produces few hips. Can be a shrub or a moderate climber.

    How does a plant convert the energy from the sun to make food or other things?

    science, i might ask more
    How does a plant convert the energy from the sun to make food or other things?
    photosynthesis. thats a really complicated thing that i dont totally understand but its got something to do with chlorophyll and chloroplasts and sugar and water... i think

    I need to know how to get my Bougainvillea plant to bloom.? Is there some trick to it? Fertilizer, sun?

    Do you live in an area that gets frost? Check Sunset garden zones if you live out west. They do best in coastal areas, no freeze zones.
    I need to know how to get my Bougainvillea plant to bloom.? Is there some trick to it? Fertilizer, sun?
    Things I have been told by growers(they supply plants to the garden centers, etc.):

    Bougainvillea need well drained soil.

    At least 4-5 hours full sun per day.

    Do not overwater.

    They do not like slow release fertilizer - use water soluble fertilizer and feed when watering.
    Reply:I live in San Diego, the home of huge bougainvillea that bloom in nearly every color, except at my house! I have 5 plants, two of which are the new bush spieces and finally after 3 years one of them is blooming. I alreadly killed 5 others. I used the new Miracle Grow liquid fertilizer and believe it worked.
    Reply:Don't water it too much. I leave mine completely alone and it blooms like crazy.
    Reply:Epsom salt and water our wallmart sells epsom salt in the first aid and garden section its becomming so popular to get plants to bud.
    Reply:Agree, dont water Bougainvilleas ever unless you live in the desert or very arid climate, and then only occasionally. Also an occasional light trimming can help.
    Reply:You don't say how long ago you planted your Bougainvillea. It takes them quite awhile to adjust when they've been transplanted. There are many in our Irvine community (as well as one in my yard and one in my neighbor's yard) and I've noticed that it sometimes takes one to three years for them to start thriving and blooming. They don't seem to need much in the way of fertilizer or water, just sun and patience.
    Reply:Use a bloom fertilizer (10-54-10) and follow the directions on the box.
    Gta vice city mp question
  • cartridge
  • Questions about nuclear power plants and the sun?

    Questions; answer for both

    Nuclear Power Plant (Not Fossil Fueled)

    and Sun

    What are the fuel sources?

    How is the fuel used to produce/release energy?

    What are the similarities in the way they produce energy?

    Are there any health hazards associated with the way they produce energy?

    Why is energy released when the nuclear reactions take place? Talk about this using your research on the forces that hold the nucleus of an atom together.
    Questions about nuclear power plants and the sun?
    This can't be answered with a few words.

    A nuclear power plant uses fission to get energy. Fission means, splitting. The sun uses fusion, which means sticking.

    In a fission reactor the fuel is enriched uranium. The atoms have a large surplus of neutrons which makes it radioactive, neutrons are ejected from the atoms. The rector stimulates this emission under controlled conditions, a lot of heat is generated in the process, the heat is used to boil water and the steam drives electrical generators.

    Our sun is a fusion furnace, hydrogen under great pressure and heat is fused into helium, in the process part of the hydrogen atoms that are fused are converted into energy in the form of radiation. E=MC2. There are no similarities in the two methods of production.

    dangerous hazards to health are present in each case.

    I want to plant bushes in front of my house this year. It is part shade/part sun. Any (cheap) suggestions?

    We looked at english boxwoods already. I like them and they work in oart shade. Those are the only ones I have found so far though that I like that are good in partially shady areas. Also, I am not an avid gardner, so they must be extrememly easy upkeep with minimal watering needed. I work a lot and have not a lot of time.
    I want to plant bushes in front of my house this year. It is part shade/part sun. Any (cheap) suggestions?

    While your front is ideal in being partial to shade and sun you do not state any other agenda for the plantings. Hundreds of shurbs are appropriate. The basic rule in landscape is that there are no wrong plants, rather, the wrong place.

    Boxwood is an excellent planting that serves as a hedgerow planting. Evergreen, low maint, easily pruned, and long living (except in lime based soils).

    I know I can help you with your desire to have little maintenance, the area of growth, and minimal watering. I also know that you can, cheaply, expand your vision and appeal by using plants of interest to you and your neighbors!

    For example, a few Azalea/Rhodo with some Hosta planted in the spaces between will provide spring and summer color. You would use the dwarft variety of the rhodo.

    Hosta comes in all sorts of coloration of leaf and buy a minimum of three in different types. This will add contrast to the evergreen background.

    In the places the Hosta does not exist I would plant DayLilly. Hardy perennial that stays short and adds yellow flowers to the contrast of the Hosta and Rhodo.

    A PJM Rhod cost about $15 and blooms in early spring.

    These stay compact and short. Put them at either end of the bed. Put one, or two, depending on the length of the bed, Burning Bushes or Euoyomus Shrub. Plant them some four to six foot apart and a minimum of three foot from the house. Any of these plants will cost you 10-15 per unit in gallon containers.

    Pick your Hostas to be two with verigated leaves and one with a solid green. Place the Solid Green in the dead center of the bed. Place the verigated ones two foot outside and two foot inside the PJM outeredge. In groups of two plant the DayLilly in the vacant spots. About three or four would do the trick.

    Now picture that you have a blooming PJM in May. You have Yellow Daylilly from June to October. The Burning Bush turns red in Sept to Late October (with the yellow in front).

    The Daylilly will cost about $5 per plant.

    Hope it helps, I am at
    Reply:Firepower Nandina. They are very colorful, turning bright red in fall and winter, only grow to 2 feet wide by 2 feet tall and need no trimming. Partial sun and medium water is O.K.
    Reply:1. Report from the Select committee on the Condi-

    tion, Management, and 4ffairs of the British

    Museum, together with the Minutes of Evi-

    dence. Ordered by the House of Commons

    to be printed, 1835. Fol. pp. 623.

    2. Report, ditto, ditto, 1836. Fol. pp. 595.

    3. Report from the Select Committee on the British

    Museum, (building with plans,) 1838. pp. 22.

    4. copy of a Represent ation from the Trustees of

    the British Museum to the Treasury, on the

    subject of an enlarged Scale of Expenditure for

    the supply of Printed Books. March 27,


    5. Report of the Commissioners appointed to inquire

    into the Constitution of the British Museum,

    with the Minutes of Evidence. 1850. Fol.

    pp. 823.

    6. Appendix. pp. 448.

    ~. Misrepresentations of Her Majestys Commis-

    sioners exposed. By the Rev. J. FORSIJALL.

    Svo. 1850.

    8. Copies of all Communications addressed to the

    Treasury by the Trustees qf the British Muse-

    um, with reference to the Report of the Com-

    missioners. June 7, 1850.

    9. Public Petitions, complaining of the defective

    Arrangements in the Library of the British

    Museum. Aug. 15, 1850.

    10. Report from the Select Committee on Public

    Libraries, together with the Proceedings of the

    Committee, Minutes of Evidence, and Appen-

    dix. July 23, 1849. Fol. pp. 317.

    11. Report, ditto, ditto, Aug. 1, 1850. Fol. pp.


    12. Inde to Report and Minutes of Evidence.

    1850. Fol. pp. 172.
    Reply:I live in WI so I'm not sure if our climates are similar, but Hastas seem to work wonderfully... they bloom with big leaves by this time of year and then start to grow small stalks in the middle with small purple flowers on them by Fall. When the weather gets colder here and they start to turn brown I cut them off very low or even just pull the leaves and leave virtually nothing above ground. In Spring they start to bloom up through the ground again. They also transplant VERY easily and to keep it cheap you can even buy one bush and, after a year or so, split the roots up into 2 separate clumps and they will grow great separately! Each year they seem to get bigger and better.
    Reply:It all depends on what zone you live in. Go to the The arbor foundation and they have a wizard to select the best plant for your garden. PS it also depends on rather or not you have morning or afternoon shade and with boxwood I would say you have morning shade and afternoon sun?

    Are Begonia flowers indoor or outdoor plant - do they go in the sun or shade?

    There are alot of varieties of begonias--indoor and out, sun and shade. I'm most familiar with the outdoor kinds which are planted as annuals in the south. Oudoor begonia's meant for shade have velvety bright green leaves with either pink, white or red flowers from spring to fall. Those that tolerate full sun will have a bronzish tint to the darker green leaf. Rabbits, snails and slugs love to devour these. Rabbit nibbling can be avoided with fox urine--a natural predetor--purchased from a feed store. I hope this helps!
    Are Begonia flowers indoor or outdoor plant - do they go in the sun or shade?

    sunny position
    Reply:outdoor plants and they like lots of sun
    Reply:They go well in shady areas
    Reply:begonia are an indoor plant and like to be in sunlight but not direct sun also not to water while in the sunlight as this will burn them
    Reply:Moderate temperatures morning sun is great for them.No direct sun in afternoon.

    I need a tall flower to plant outside in part and full sun. Something that blooms for a while. Red or orange.?

    The ones I have looked at are about 6' tall and that is good. However, I keep finding Hybiscus and they will not survive the winter. Can anyone tell me a type, or even a website that I can check out to find out anything that I can use?
    I need a tall flower to plant outside in part and full sun. Something that blooms for a while. Red or orange.?
    both the canna and gladiola that was mentioned are very nice, but they have to be dug up in the fall
    Reply:You can plant cannas. They are a bulb. So they will die back when it gets cold, but they will return.
    Reply:Try foxglove, they grow 3 to 6 ft. tall or Hollyhock.

    Can anyone tell me how much sun heavenly bamboo plants or english yews require?

    the spot i am thinking of gets light all day but direct sun from 2p.m. to sunset and it gets very hot during those hours. it is also under cover and out of the way of any extreme wind. the plants would also be in large pots. would heavenly bamboo or english yew do well? if not can you suggest something that would?
    Can anyone tell me how much sun heavenly bamboo plants or english yews require?
    Question: Is Heavenly Bamboo a True Bamboo?

    No. Heavenly bamboo is another bamboo-imposter....


    "Heavenly bamboo" is simply a nickname for nandina (Nandina domestica).

    ********Growing Directions*****

    Nandina or heavenly bamboo

    ***********English Yews

    Prefers warm climates below mason dixon line and is very shade tolerant so too much sun not good.
    Reply:check with the horticultUrist in ur city.

  • beauty tips
  • I need information on weather japanese maples can be planted in full sun or not?

    I want to plant a japanese maple tree and I keep gettung conflicting answers about weather they can take full sun.
    I need information on weather japanese maples can be planted in full sun or not?
    Or How To Plant A Japanese Maple

    Our batch of Japanese Maples has arrived from Oregon. All of these Maples are varieties of three related species��Acer japonicum, A. palmatum, and A. shirasawanum��and have similar requirements for transplanting.

    Keep in mind when deciding where to plant Japanese Maples that they are "understory" trees. In their native habitat they grow in some shade, often beneath larger plants, and usually in loamy soil with a lot of decomposing leaves. That doesn't mean that you have to live in Muir Woods to grow these things; it just means that you will need to dig some organic matter into your native soil if it tends to be more clay or sand, and that a spot with shelter from the hottest afternoon sun is preferable to one with a full day's worth. (Laceleaf Maples should probably receive no afternoon sun in hot, interior locations.)

    It also is useful to remember that Japanese Maples are shallowly rooted and do not like to dry out; keep them moist throughout the year, particularly in our hotter late summer and fall months. Groundcover plants or a surface mulch of stones or bark bits, kept away from the tree's trunk, will help to conserve soil moisture. Just don't let the soil get too soggy or you'll be contending with root rot.

    Growing Japanese Acer can become an obsession; there are so many leaf shapes, colors and textures. Some collectors with limited space forego planting Acer in the ground, and instead grow the plants in containers. A great little book on pot culture is for sale in the store, Growing Japanese Maples in Containers, by Nancy Fiers. At $3.00, this booklet is an amazing bargain.

    Reply:there are many different types of Japanese Maple trees ... some can take sun and some cannot.... you must know what type you have or chose the one that can take sun if that's where you want one to live.....

    go here and look up types and see which ones will live in sun..

    I have Bloodgood in full sun... it's red....

    Needing easy maintenance plants for full sun area in my yard?

    I have a small patch of dirt in front of my home and whenever my husband and I plant anything there it dies. We are starting to think we have black thumbs. We buy the plants that say they are good for full sun but it gets very hot here in the summer. Way over 100 degrees. We have changed the dirt and mulch we use and have tried almost everything. Could anyone let me know of some plant species that would work and look attractive? Or if there might be a problem we are overlooking.

    Needing easy maintenance plants for full sun area in my yard?
    I know how frustrating that is -- we have a long narrow patch that I call "the dead zone" because I haven't found the right plant to thrive there yet.

    You might try geraniums. They grew everywhere when I lived in central CA (which often got over 100 in the summer). Rosemary would probably do well also. Also bouganvillea, although it's a climber.

    Also, try this article on heat-loving plants (very different from simply "full sun"):
    Reply:Have you tried Daylilies or ornamental grass? I have an area in front of my home between the road and the side walk. It is in full sun and only gets watered every 2-3 days. I have a mixtue of Variegated Lirope ornamental grass and the oldfashioned orange daylillies. And all are doing fine down here in the florida heat. I do know daylilies do their best in bright full sun.
    Reply:I have a feeling it isn't the plants, but the way you are planting them or watering them.

    Go to 2 or 3 local nurseries (you are nor obligated to make a purchase) and ask them for recommendations. Then ask how to plant what they suggested and how to water the plants correctly.

    You could be planting to deep (a common problem) or you might not be taking the plants out of the good soil they have been growing in , or perhaps the roots continue to grow in a circle eventually choking the plant to death!

    Depending on your soil type, you may be over watering or under watering.

    Hope this helps.
    Reply:Roses love full sun. They are a very hardy plant and last for years. Prune them down in late fall and they just pop up in the springtime. I tryed many plants in my yard before I planted the roses and they do very well. And as the other person said, Gerainums do well too.
    Reply:Not sure where you live, but you could try Ice Plant. It does okay in dry conditions, and is more of a ground cover. If you put in a sprinkler system you could grow anything you want. You set it to come on automatically at a certain time each day, or even more than once a day. That way you could have some pretty flowers to enjoy.

    Annuals to plant in a bed? Washington DC area , mix sun/shade.?

    I plant annuals in a bed in my front yard each year. We alternate between planting begonias and impatiens. I would like to do something more interesting this year - like a mix of flowers. Any ideas of what mix of flowers goes well together? I have a white house with green shutters.
    Annuals to plant in a bed? Washington DC area , mix sun/shade.?
    Any color will go with your white house. How about red salvia, marigolds or geraniums?

    You have a wonderful setting for annual flowers with base colors of green and white. I am a landscaper and designer and you can do a variety of plants. I will link you to the gallery of plants section of my website. I have a page on annual flowers that may give you some ideas. Here are some more suggestions for you:

    Coleus is a great accent to annual flowers


    Dusty Miller is also a great accent




    Ornamental grass is another accent


    These are just a few. Check around the D.C. area in nurseries and garden centers, and they should provide you with a good supply for your gardens. Good luck to you. I will also link you to the Site Map, as this page has everything that is on the website. Browse through and see if is any other information that will help you with your gardens. Have a great day!



    Reply:You can add torenias, violas, impatiens and caladiums to your choices.
    Reply:Pansies, petunias, dianthus, verbena and daisies are a few good choices. Verbena and petunias look pretty together in contrasting colors, my fave is red and purple. Geraniums, coleus, and marigolds are colorful.

    I need to know some flowers that I can plant in full sun flower boxes and sun and shade boxes?

    Marigolds, petunias, pansies,lavender, basil, hibiscus,zinnia for full sun boxes.

    Vinca, aspargus fern, any cacti, aloe-and the like for sun and shade boxes.
    I need to know some flowers that I can plant in full sun flower boxes and sun and shade boxes?
    Daisy plants love full sun %26amp; so do most any other varieties of the WIld Flowers that are native to your region %26amp; planting zones!
    Reply:Full Sun Plants :











    Shade/Partial Shade:




    Reply:There is a new impatient variety that loves full sun. I planted some and they are wonderful ! Also "knockout" roses. They can be pruned to maintain size. Zinnias love lots of sun...don't give them too much water. Many herbs are full sun plants. Basils, sage: many different kinds, I have a pineapple sage that makes a lovely red bloom, oregano, parsely, cilantro, lemon balm, the list goes on and on. Also lemon balm. Cannas love sun!!! Pentas! Hostas love shade as well as most ferns which make a nice filler.
    Reply:geraniums and petunias should do o.k. in either. Ivy would do well in part shade.

    Any suggestions on landscape grass to plant in Zone 5 (New England) sun garden??

    Try Zebra Grass or Maiden Grass.....they are awsome especially Zebra Grass...Porcupine Grass looks similar to Zebra Grass but stands straighter.
    Any suggestions on landscape grass to plant in Zone 5 (New England) sun garden??
    You know what I do to get the best grass seed available for my area? I go to the sod farm (you know, where they grow sod to sell) and I buy the same seed they use (usually they sell seed and fertilizers). I also make sure to buy the starter fertilizer because to have a beautiful lawn I have learned that starter fertilizer is the key.

    Good luck.

  • skin care
  • How can I bring my sun-burnt brown plants back to life?

    I got a new job and have been working 12 hour days...and completely forgot my poor plants outside on the porch... I put them out there about a week ago bc they were wilting and needed sun but now they are brown and sun burnt. I watered them and put them in partial sunlight in my living room. What else can I do to save these poor plants?
    How can I bring my sun-burnt brown plants back to life?
    There is nothing you can do for the brown parts, cut them out, they will drain the life out of the rest of the plant. What is left may look devastating, but it will recover, try miracle grow, a bright window and patience. You will be surprised how quick they will come back, but probably not until fall or winter depending on the type and how quickly they grow.
    Reply:If you cut them back or remove the leaves that are sunburned they will sprout new growth in no time. I am always leery about feeding plant in times of stress, what they need now is some "down" time to recover, a nice drink, a shady area, with a loving owner to watch over things while they recuperate, then..... something to eat!! :)
    Reply:I agree with the cut-back advocates. It's always amazing to see a plant that looked to be at death's door bounce back. If your plants have branches with nodes (Joints), cut them back deeply, always cutting just above a node. New leaves will come from these joints. If the plant grows from a crown, like a peace lily, you can cut the sunburned leaves off down to the soil and the plant will grow new ones. Don't overwater at this point, as you can kill your plants with kindness. For most house plants, only water when the soil feels dry. If it's not too hot in your area, an outdoor vacation like what you tried to give them works great. You just have to watch all that sun and wind exposure.
    Reply:cut back some of the brown, but not to much , then water good, in a couple of days give it another cut back. see if that helps, and put them in the tub with some steam or something to keep them moist.

    I live in NE TN, where is the best place to plant Calla Lillie's, sun or shade?

    They need pretty good sun, not necessarily full sun, but definitely not shade. If you plant them in a shady spot, they will grow, but they will be weak and will just fall over when they bloom.
    I live in NE TN, where is the best place to plant Calla Lillie's, sun or shade?
    In the sun. If you plant them in the shade the bugs will infest them.
    shoe horns

    The power plant of the sun is its?

    The processes involved began to be understood early in the twentieth century, when it was first realized that the energy released from nuclear reactions accounted for the longevity of the Sun as a source of heat and light. The prime energy producer in the sun is the fusion of hydrogen to helium, which occurs at a minimum temperature of 3 million kelvins.
    The power plant of the sun is its?
    yes or not or your selfimage,
    Reply:Hydrogen %26amp; Helium
    Reply:Hydrogen core

    What can I plant under a deciduous tree?

    I have a flower bed that has three dogwood trees. I don't want to and can't move the trees. In the winter when there are no leaves the bed receives full sun but in the spring and summer it is shaded under the branches. I trimmed the branches back, cut off some of them, but it really didn't change the amount of sun filtered in. So my question is (now that you have way too much information) what can I plant that will do ok in full sun and in part shade? Will part sun/shade plants do ok? I really want to plant daylilies, will they make it? I live in zone 7. Thanks for your help!
    What can I plant under a deciduous tree?
    I suggest hostas, ferns, and for some summer color, annual impatiens.

    Daylilies generally like full sun.
    Reply:Day Lillies will do well in almost ANY location....BUT....with such a cool location you have sOoooo many more cool options that are complimentary plantings for there.....




    Phygelius capensis(Cape Fuschia)


    If you do go with Day Lillies try pairing/mixing them with Bearded Irises...Shasta Daisies...Black eyed Susans....Agapathus...Crocosmia....damn, the list is never ending.

    Good Luck!
    Reply:You can plant pansies.

    you will have to plant them twice a year but they will work - during the spring and summer you can plant any type of pansie you want, they will be fine in the partial shade.

    During the winter, you can plany cold hardy pansies - they have been bred to survive the winter and do not mind full sun - I have seen them survive 6 inches of snow - they do well in Pennsylvania winters.

    During the summer, if you want to plant something else, you can try Hostas which do well in shade. Toad lillies will do well also.

    day lillies prefer more sun then less, but can do well in partial shade - most time they are listed as a partial shade/full sun plant

    Does yarrow need fuul sun when deciding where to plant? How about cosmos?

    They will both do very well in sun to part shade.
    Does yarrow need fuul sun when deciding where to plant? How about cosmos?
    Yes, they do better in full sun. But I have grown Cosmos in dappled sunlight in the afternoon. Good Luck. Happy Gardening!
    Reply:I have Yarrow doing wonderfully in about 4 hours of sun.

  • acne treatment
  • What is a good bush or tree to plant in okc with 5 hrs of sun and the rest shade?

    dogwood..they seem to prefer some sunlight along with some shade

    redbud should do good also

    both are low growing maybe up to about 20 ft tall at maturity

    What type of house plant should one get for a small balcony with full western exposure to the sun?

    You can go to your local nursery, they can help you decide.
    What type of house plant should one get for a small balcony with full western exposure to the sun?
    Succulents (but watch for frost or get frost hardy ones), yuccas, cordylines (again look for frost hardy ones if frost is an issue). There are new cordylines that are clumping and look like flax, and come in burgundys etc, they look beautiful in coloured glazed pots.
    Reply:You don't say where you are located, so I don't know the growing zone or whether these plants will be outside on the balcony during spring/summer/fall or year-round. Plus you don't say how high from the ground you're located, so I don't know the amount of wind your plants will be subjected to or temperature differential.

    If you are getting a lot of strong sun in that location, you can probably go with something like geraniums if you want flowers. Bromeliads or cactus to withstand direct sun and high temperatures would be a great choice if you're looking for easy-low maintenance plants.

    If you add more details to your question I can answer your question better.

    Can you plant coneflowers where it will get only morning sun?

    They will survive and you may get a few flowers. But, they will not be what is expected of them in full sun.

    Watch how much water they get, if they get too much water they certainly will perish.
    Can you plant coneflowers where it will get only morning sun?
    While most sun loving plants will need a minimum of 6 hours of sunlight daily, most will do their thing with much less, provided they receive proper food and water care. Plants are very adaptable and usually reward the gardener a show equal to the time and care that is given to them.

    Do you plant calla lillys in full sun?

    i live in NE Louisiana.
    Do you plant calla lillys in full sun?
    A simple, fast answer:

    It doesn't matter where you live. They always grow in full sun. A tiny bit of shade is fine.
    Reply:Originally from the West Indies and South America, cannas are one of the showiest summer bulbs you can grow. These lush tropical plants produce large -- sometimes colorful -- leaves, and tall flower stalks with vibrant blossoms. Depending on the variety, cannas can grow a few feet tall to more than 10 feet tall. Dwarf varieties look great in large containers combined with petunias, sweet potato vines, and other low-growing annuals. Larger varieties make a strong, elegant statement planted at the back of flower beds or grouped together in showy islands of color. Because they tolerate moist soils, cannas can also be planted along ponds or in a wet spot in the yard.

    Because they are topical plants, cannas thrive in full sun, with plenty of summer heat and consistently moist soil. Wait until the soil has warmed and all threat of frost has passed before planting cannas outdoors. Rhizomes should be planted horizontally, 4 to 6 inches deep, and spaced 1 to 2 feet apart. For earlier flowers, cannas can be planted in pots and started indoors or in a greenhouse about one month before mild weather arrives.

    Cannas grow and flower best when fertilized monthly. Keep plants well watered and weeded. Because cannas are tropical plants, they will overwinter outdoors only in frost-free areas (USDA zones 9 and 10). In most areas you'll need to dig up the tubers in fall and store them indoors. After frost kills back the foliage, dig the tubers, and store them in a cool, dark, frost-free place.

    What is a good flowering plant for a hanging basket that gets full morning and midday sun?

    My favorite by far is Petunias. They are easy to care for and if you deadhead the wilted flowers they will keep producing lots of blooms.

    Just water regularly and add a little miracle grow.
    What is a good flowering plant for a hanging basket that gets full morning and midday sun?
    Pelargoniums. Austria's favorite window box delight.
    Reply:petunias will do quite well , also there are versions of roses that you can use.
    Reply:Definately wave petunias.They look great in hanging baskets.
    Reply:i like lobelias. vining petunias arent bad either.
    ice skates
  • inkjet refills
  • Ive got a outside plant that has mildew on it its next to the house gets sun in the morning?

    If it only gets sun in the morning, and you are watering it some other time, there may be enough time in the damp and dark for mildew to arise. If you can change when you water to just before morning, that may help.

    You can also get sprays that are supposed to kill mildew. You have to use them regularly for about a week or so I think, but if you do, they work pretty well.
    Ive got a outside plant that has mildew on it its next to the house gets sun in the morning?
    I don't know where you live or the type of plant but it may not be mildew. There is a black powdery deposit left by an insect. Here in south Louisiana I have it on my citrus trees, gardenias, and crepe myrtles. Once you get rid of the bugs you can rather easily clean the moldy looking residue.

    Ive got some black sun flower seed's 2 plant next year do they grow as black sunflowers?

    No they'll have yellow flowers, only the seeds are black. The colour of the seed makes no difference to the colour of the flower.

    Hope this helps and have a nice day.
    Ive got some black sun flower seed's 2 plant next year do they grow as black sunflowers?
    The seed comes in striped, white or black, but the colour of the seed makes no diffrence to the colour of the flowers.

    I have some red and white seed from a yellow sunflower
    Reply:Yes very black. Perhaps you have never seen the centre of the sunflower where the seeds are kept
    Reply:if they do you have a winner.

    No the flowers will be normal colour.
    Reply:Black middle, yellow petals.
    Reply:black sun flower seeds are usually fed to the birds a large variety of birds just love them.

    If you plant them they will be yellow
    Reply:nno sunflowers can be two types of colours, but depends on were you plant them

    Does the alo vera plant take sun or shade when out side?

    Depends on your sunshine. Up here at 4000 fett they need shade. Bright shade. Down at sealevel they like the sunshine, of a little bit of shade.

    Tha Aloe vera originally came from shady riparian areas. Dry creek kind of places I think.

    Give it fast draining soil and it should be happy.
    Does the alo vera plant take sun or shade when out side?
    aloe Vera likes sun to partial shade

    most important thing is remember it is a succulent and does not like to be over watered.

    I keep mine in a pot in the house but i do set it in the sun at least twice a week outside.

    What is a good annual to plant up my driveway this year?Half is in the sun,the other in the shade.?

    Last year I planted geraniums,and of course they bloomed great in the sunny spots,but poorly in the dappled shade areas.
    What is a good annual to plant up my driveway this year?Half is in the sun,the other in the shade.?
    You are aksing a shade lover to bask in the sun %26amp; a sun lover to flower exobitantly in the shade. Not going to happen equally. Try two different plants or you'll end up with a Blue Star Creeper looking well in the shade %26amp; dead in the sun. Or geraniums, well you know.

    Plants need what they need. Quit fighting Mother Nature.Here try this link:
    Reply:Bogonias (shade plant) are great for that, they can go both ways and also putunias (sun plant) can put up with part shade pretty well too. These are both very popular easy to find annuals. Good luck!

    Monday, February 13, 2012

    Have a low spot that gets lots of water, in full sun all morning hot in summer with lo humidity. ? to plant???

    In front of house in decorative area. Fair drainage.
    Have a low spot that gets lots of water, in full sun all morning hot in summer with lo humidity. ? to plant???
    Sounds like a perfect place for a bog garden. Plants that like to have their feet wet all the time like pond plants. Pick up a few at your local nursery they a labeled as bog plants in a special section. Add Some amendments to the soil and small rocks for stability and some large rocks to edge the area and wala you have a whole different type of garden.
    Reply:Try the oriental poppy, daffodil, scarlet sage or rosemary.
    Reply:anything TROPICAL. Canna Lily, Tall Ornimental Grass, any climbing vines or Roses, they love the sun and have a large thirst. Clematis also would work, the blooms are absolutely breathtaking. No Hostas, they like the water but are strictly shade perennials. No morning glories, the are sensative to heat and like shade as well. Really and full sun perennial would work, shasta daisy, purple cone flowers, black eyed susans, butterfly bush,......and they are all perennials.
    riding boots

    How do stop my spider plant from dying?

    Sometime in December or January I bought a spider plant. It was very healthy looking full and green. Since then it has declined in health. The leaves started turning brown. I looked up information on the internet but everything they have suggested does not seem to help (less water, more water, distilled water, more sun, less sun, miracle grow). The plant gets sun but is not in direct sunlight.

    I don't know what to do. That beautiful plant has died in the middle and now the left side is drooping and brown. Help me save my plant !!
    How do stop my spider plant from dying?
    Check out this link:

    If your plant continues to turn brown, then it is time to buy a new plant and start all over again. This happens. Gardeners are use to having to start over.

    I wish you well.
    Reply:How frustrating! It sounds like you've got the light right, so you probably have insects (spider mites are a huge problem with houseplants) or a plant disease. What usually works for me:

    1. I buy and apply some Bayer Advanced Disease Control for Roses, Flowers, and Shrubs - I get it from my local Walmart, but it's also at Lowes, Home Depot, etc.

    2. I let the soil dry out between waterings; this usually means only watering once per week %26amp; making sure that weekly watering is good and deep. The first watering, and every three months after that, I add the Bayer stuff to the water at the rate it says on the package.

    Good luck!

    How come my tomato plant's r turning brown, i water them every nite after sun down and still no clues.?

    just the leaves r turning brown, any help would b greatfull, thank u.....
    How come my tomato plant's r turning brown, i water them every nite after sun down and still no clues.?
    You may be watering it too much.
    Reply:If they are the bottom leaves just pull them off. bottom leaves always die off as the plant grows. It may be lacking some vitamins in the soil that it needs. If its all over the plant.

    check out

    look for growing tomatoes and look for a place near you that sells tomatoe tone (4-7-10) by espoma (organic gardening)

    Good luck

    Reply:you are probably over watering your plant, water only a couple of times a week real good
    Reply:You are watering them too much. They do not need to be watered daily.

  • blushed
  • What are the fuel sources for a non Fossil Fueled Nuclear plant? .... the sun?

    No nuclear plant uses fossil fuels. They use fissile material, most often uranium 235. The sun provides all the energy on our planet either directly (light and heat) or indrectly (photosynthesis, solar power) with the exception of nuclear power.
    What are the fuel sources for a non Fossil Fueled Nuclear plant? .... the sun?
    lol a nucluer power plant juns off the heat the reacting uranium makes it turns the water in to high pressur steam and is pushed through a turbine generoter then is put through a condenser turning it to water agian and the prosses repeats
    Reply:Nuclear plants use U235 as the fuel in a fission reaction. This isotope of uranium is obtained from uranium ore that is mined. It has to be separated from the minerals that the mixture of uranium is found in.

    The sun uses hydrogen and its isotopes to produce its energy in fission reactions that fuse the nuclei together to form larger elements. The hydrogen atoms and molecules exist in space and are drawn together by gravitational attraction. A large cloud forms and becomes denser and denser as more and more hydrogen is added to it. Eventually the cloud heats up as it becomes larger and denser so that it "ignites" into a fusion reaction.

    Good Plants for full sun garden in North Carolina?

    I want lots of color in my front garden, but it is in full sun all day. I am going to plant some knock out shrub roses and I have a row of hawthorne in the back, it has small white flowers in May. What kind of flowering plants can I put in the garden for good bursts of color throughout the season. I prefer to have good perennial plants and then plant an annual border each year. This year we have snap dragons and petunias as a border, but it is a very large planting bed and we need more color.
    Good Plants for full sun garden in North Carolina?
    I love day lilies- they are cheap multiply like crazy and require little care. They come in so many different varieties that it is easy to pick some you like.

    the link below is to easy to grow bulbs. I got some Lillie's from them last year and was very pleased:

    Also perennial:

    Shasta daisy, really easy likes the sun

    Russian sage- purple likes the heat

    In the annual category:

    Salvias are also nice in full sun. I am a big fan of the annual red salvia you purchase at Lowe's.

    Dusty miller is nice as an accent and takes no care.

    Marigolds and geraniums are pretty bright.

    Just some ideas, I always have fun just looking at the online gardening sites to get ideas. Happy planting, Spring is here
    Reply:Wave petunias will add a TREMENDOUS amount of color and are large and showy.. Vincas are a good choice in sun as well. Marigolds will do nicely as well, Mexican heather.. All have nice color and will take the sun.
    Reply:a couple of my favorite full sun perrennials are Russian sage a very large,blue spiky plant that starts blooming around the middle of july very fragrant,monardia or bee balm another taller perrennial that blooms in reds,pinks purple and white again another great smelling perrennial,gallardia or blanklet flower comes in reds yellows and oranges these are about 2 feet tall and once they start blooming they bloom until frost,and my very favorite are perrennial asters again taller plants that start blooming around the end of july and bloom until frost they are always covered with flowers and there are many colors to choose from if you need more ideas check out wayside gardens that's a site that can really give you plenty of ideas. Good luck!
    my rodents

    Where is a good place to plant a Banana Tree, I live in North east Georgia. Sun, Shade, etc....?

    They can freeze but they grow back.

    They reproduce rapidly and can quickly expand into quite a large area. Sun is the best but make sure that it is an area with a lot of room.
    Where is a good place to plant a Banana Tree, I live in North east Georgia. Sun, Shade, etc....?
    You should plant it in a movable container and bring it in for the winter.

    I would like to know if a tomatoe plant needs sun all day long?

    how much water
    I would like to know if a tomatoe plant needs sun all day long?
    no.. about 6hrs.. i have mine getting morning sun then afternoon shade... %26amp; depending on u'r weather.. %26amp; humidity... I have potted tom... i water them twice a day really good. In ground if u put mulch around them u may b able to get away w/ twice a day but if u c the leaves curling too mch... more water.
    Reply:Yeap full sun, they love it.
    Reply:It needs @ least 6 hrs. I did plant 2 plants last yr. in partial sun, didn,t do great tho. I water every 2-3 days.
    Reply:no,but at least 6 to 8 hours the sun helps to sweeten and ripen them better
    Reply:Water every day in this heat. Sun all day is the best but at least 3/4 of a day. Make sure that your soil drains well and that you keep a good layer of mulch. If you can't water ever day then...more mulch and maybe some of the soil water holders.
    Reply:The more the merrier. That's why tomatoes grow more in the Mediterranean, where the sun is a scorcher.

    Water loads, but just after sundown, or the water will boil the roots. (So to speak, but it does damage plants to be watered in the full sun)
    Reply:My tomato plant gets half-sun and

    a daily drink of water.

    Right now, it's taking over the back yard.

    If it gets any larger, I might have to

    re-name it, THE THING.

    Today, while I was cutting the grass,

    it bit the lawn mover.
    Reply:i water mine every 2 to 3 days. get a spade and turn over a small patch of soil, its probably still moist even after a couple of hot sunny days. and full sun is best. good luck

    Does an algarve plant require sun or shade?

    Sun, and plenty of it, it is in the cactus family so therefore you should treat it as you would a cactus.
    Does an algarve plant require sun or shade?

  • how to apply
  • I planted a sun shrub , and I want to know if it will come back from the dead?

    Around Mothers day last year, we planted a sun shrub in my deck, above the ground..... I don't know if the shrub had time before winter to spread its roots out enough to reach the actual ground. So I don't know if if the roots froze over winter and is it dead or what.....It shows no signs as of now of budding....... does anyone know what time of the year shrubs start budding...... any feed back at all is greatly appreciated...... I just want to know if I should dig it up and plant something else or should i just wait patiently???
    I planted a sun shrub , and I want to know if it will come back from the dead?
    Sun shrub? Never heard of it... It was planted IN your deck?The shrub is not planted in the ground? I'm not understanding.
    Reply:I would wait a bit. A lot of shrubs can be cut way back to maybe 6 inches above the ground and will regrow. Many plants were late to break dormancy this year. I would water it really good and wait and see. It couldn't hurt.

    In Phoenix this year a lot of people lost stuff because of all the frost days we had. I cut my lantanas and bouganivillas way back and they are regrowing well, but I completely lost a rubber tree plant.

    It sort of depends on the type of shrub and your climate.
    Reply:What color is the sun shrub?

    I had a shrub in my garden, never watered it. It turned orange and at that time I assumed it was dead.

    It sure did have a root system.
    poison ivy

    What are good plants that take sun all day long?

    I am doing some landscaping in a few months and wanted to get a few names of some plants that don't require a lot of water and are good in sun all day long....we live in Missouri, by the way. Thanks.
    What are good plants that take sun all day long?
    . 1 Spider Plant (Chlorophytum comosum)

    2. Devil's Ivy or Pothos (Scindapsus or Epipremnum)

    Mother-in-law's tongue or Snake plant or Bird's-nest plant (Sansevieria

    4. Jade plant (Crassula argentea)

    5. Christmas Cactus (Zygocactus or Schlumbergera)

    6. Rubber plant or Rubber tree (Ficus elastica)

    7. Parlor palm (Chamaedorea elegans)

    8. African Violet (Saintpaulia

    9. Aloe (Aloe)

    Well if you don't want house plants. Plants good for outdoors are:

    Roses: Almost all roses need at least six hours of sun a day to bloom their best, so roses are perfect for all your sunny spots

    Butterfly Bush: A perfect choice for southern gardens, butterfly bushes are extremely tolerant of heat and humidity. They thrive in difficult conditions like very sunny spots and have tons of beautiful blooms, which can range in color from blue to lavender, pink to red, and even white.

    Daisies: There are few flowers as cheerful as daisies. A mass planting of daisies in bloom is sure to bring a smile to anyone��s face, and they are perfect additions to any sunny garden.

    Lilies and lavenders are a great choice for a sunny walkway!

    All of these plants are good in the sun and require little water. Just google them and see if you like them.
    Reply:I think the previous answer is for house plants. Could you please expand your question and tell me if you want trees, shrubs or flowers?
    Reply:Lots and lots. Camelia, gardenia, boxwood, willow, cherry, peach and a gazillion other shrubs/trees. Black eyed susans, day lillies, dahlia, carnation, wild flowers, geranium, zinnia, new guinnea impatiens and bunches more flowers.

    have fun
    Reply:With respect to azaleas, there are few, if any, which will take unrelieved sun, especially during summer months. The best candidates for this are in the Southern Indica variety, but even there one has to be careful. Salmon colors tend to fade in too much sun. So 'Judge Solomon' would fall into that category. A better possibility might be 'Phoenicia' or 'George Lindley Taber'. Those are possibilities, not guarantees. The next question would be your winter temperatures, e.g. how far below freezing do they generally go and when do they tend to begin and end. October/November? March/April?

    Some succulents would work well in sun all day with a minimum of water. The question there, too, would be how cold your temperatures get in the winter.

    One good plant which will survive a fair degree of heat and cold is Burfordi Holly. It can be planted individually or used in a hedge form. Crepe Myrtle is another, though it can become a tree, if not trimmed back from time to time. It has the advantage of several good colors, e.g. white, orchid, various hues of red. A vine which tends to remain evergreen is 'Carolina Jessamine' which is often sold as 'Carolina Jasmine'. The yellow flowers on it appear in profusion in the spring. It will take the cold and heat.
    Reply:cannas need full sun and water to bloom. it can be 120 degrees in full sun with water. 90 and full sun is pefered. cannas are bulbs cold hardy to 5 degrees.Since you get colder than that, waith till frost when the plant dies back, then cut the plant, and take the bulb out. then in the spring re-plant the bulbs


    do a search on agraves to find out some of these plants are cold hardy to -20. An example is parrys agrave.

    here is a link and some photos of a parry agrave

    this requires full sun, and needs to be dry

    Can I plant a Taxodium in my landscape?

    I want to plant a Taxodium Distichum Bald Cypress in my landscape, but I am afraid that it will cast to much shade on my other sun loving plants. It would be about 20' from my cercis Oklahoma and my mexican pine. The cultavar is called, Shawnee Brave which grows about 80' high and about 20' wide when it is fully grown. It grows upright with a somwhat pyramidal habit. It is would be on a lot about 60' wide and 150' deep and placed some where in the middle of the lot. What do you think about this plant? Thanks
    Can I plant a Taxodium in my landscape?
    Bald Cypress are very open trees, their leaves like feathers, your other plants should get plenty of sun light with the new addition

    Can I grow my Erica plant in a pot and placed in North facing garden - No sun.?

    Yes you can, but it won't be so successful
    Can I grow my Erica plant in a pot and placed in North facing garden - No sun.?
    sadly , i fear not . you need full sun in cooler areas for this acid loving shrub . but if it is in a pot and you can move it around , to get sunlight , then fair enough , you might get lucky . good luck !
    Reply:They do need full sun, at least, a good part of the day.

    I have a 24" tall container, what can I plant that would be graceful and interesting, early morn sun?

    Morning Glory.
    I have a 24" tall container, what can I plant that would be graceful and interesting, early morn sun?
    I would plant a cactus. It looks cool and if left in the proper position at night it serves as burglar detourant!
    Reply:Ornamental pepper. Very pretty, different colored fruits, most are edible, too.
    Reply:make sure you are planting a tropical plant if indoors. they dont have a dormant period.. well ... not like a perrinial or a small tree. Morning sun.. well.. you need more sun for a blooming plant. Go to your local greenhouse. It really will depend on what they have in stock.. they wont steer you wrong! and you can see actual plants.. make sure to bring your container.. for a small fee they will plant whatever you buy.. and give a good chance of survival. Try to resist buying the biggest plant.. yours will grow in time.
    Reply:sunflowers - the tall, narrow shape of the plant with the large bloom at the top works very well.
    shoes stock
  • eye look
  • Is love the sun a house or garden plant?

    a garden plant...
    Is love the sun a house or garden plant?
    i think u can find help in

    i hope this can help
    Reply:Garden Plants

    Looking for the right plant for my plant box. I want it to flower throughout the summer?

    I want a flowering plant that will cascade over the side of the deck. I have 7 hour of sun. The plant box faces to the east.
    Looking for the right plant for my plant box. I want it to flower throughout the summer?
    Calibrachoa....aka Million Bells ....or SuperBells

    Highly recommend for planters ....bloom all summer and will cascade over edges of planter box.

    Comes in so many colors is photo link:;q=...
    Reply:First three that come to mind.....and work well together are the cascade type petunias......even the new Wave series flops a bit. Add Sweet alyssum for a white or purple tint though they don't cascade that much and also lobelia for nice blue accent.

    There are trailing nasturtiums and a trailing geranium......but the geranium gets pretty big, one per box!

    Sweet potato vine would be a foliage flowers but does cascade quite a ways down.

    You didn't say how much you want it to cascade......realize too much and the plant will break off as to get flowering all summer the plant will most likely be an annual which has limited structural integrity.....they don't need it as annuals.
    Reply:Petunias are a safe bet, they will flower all summer and they will even spread and dangle from the box if you get the "wave Petunia" kind. They come in all different colors. But my favorite are Impatiens. They come in very bright colors. They are small and dainty, stay low to the ground and will not spread.
    Reply:Petunias come in a variety of colours and they're great for blooming all season. Be sure to get the varieties that are called "cascade" and do your dead-heading after the blossoms are spent to encourage more to grow.

    The Muse
    Reply:good for you to review...

    I would to know if Geraniums can be planted in full sun?

    I had a piece of a Geranium break off my big plant and just planted it in dirt and placed out from of my house which gets full sun, Is this good?
    I would to know if Geraniums can be planted in full sun?
    More information for you.....happy gardening:
    Reply:Dipping it in rooting hormone before planting would be good-- survival depends on your attention to the plant henceforth.

    Yes, geraniums want full sun.

    good luck
    Reply:There are a lot of varieties of geraniums. But most need full sun (at least six hours a day). See the website below for how to plant cuttings.
    Reply:a broken off piece may not take full sun. It depends a lot on where you live. I have had a few cuttings like this start but most die. I start me cuttings in the basement under lights. I take a small clay pot and plug the bottom hole. I put this pot in the center of a large water tight contained and then fill around the clay pot with agriculture vermiculite. put the cutting into the vermiculite and keep the clay pot full of water (it seeps through and keeps the planting medium wet). about 90% of the cuttings i try to start this way develop good roots

    I have a plant that is green and white. Put in full sun the white turns bright pink. What is it? It's spiny

    I've found numerous plants that fit this description, but not the right one yet. This plant has spiney (sp) limbs that reminds me of something in the succulant family. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated. I wish there was a way to identify all of the houseplants I have. I just don't have any luck on the www. Thank you in advance for any help you can give me.
    I have a plant that is green and white. Put in full sun the white turns bright pink. What is it? It's spiny
    I think that what you may have is a version of a bromeliad called an ananas or pineapple plant. There are many kinds of these, so I can't tell which one it might be. The link below is to a truly magnificent one in fruit. Some of them have the red due to sun normally, some (like mine), only when they get "sunburned" (lol!!), otherwise they are like yours and go back to green and white.

    Sorry you don't have much luck with www -- wish I was there to help teach you.
    Reply:It might be part of the COLEOUS family,as they will change colour with location.
    Reply:Anything with spines I think of some kind of succulent cactus, or Euphorbia millii. The euphob is very spiney as are succulents. There are a lot of them out there.

    One way to tell if it is euphorbia is break a tiny piece off... if white, milky sap comes out, it is euphorbia. Here's a pic:

    Hope this helps!
    Reply:sounds like dro to me
    Reply:I can't see your plant, so I am only guessing. Try looking up aloe vera (or aloe).
    kung fu

    What full sun exposure tree/ bush should I plant in front of my windows for shade. Must also add curb appeal.?

    Since it will be literaly two feet away from the house roots are a major factor. Unfortunately space is limited.
    What full sun exposure tree/ bush should I plant in front of my windows for shade. Must also add curb appeal.?
    Planting any tree or shrub 2 feet from a house -- it's just not enough room. Here's a better suggestion for very narrow spaces: Put up a trellis, and grow a vine on it. You'll have something really pretty that will not create a structural problem and that can be better controlled than a tree. In addition, you will have shade very fast.

    Look for moderate growing vines. You must decided if you need an evergreen one (if you need shade year round) or if you prefer a deciduous one (if you want sun in the winter). Avoid Wisteria at all costs -- it is a very agressive grower and more trouble than it is worth--it is a beautiful vine but for very large spaces only.
    Reply:IF you have a basement DO NOT plant any trees or shrubs that close to a foundation, you risk future problems that will cost thousands!
    Reply:Silver Birch. These are deciduous so they allow the sun in during the winter months and shade for summer. You could grow up to three very close together and not have any effect on your foundations.

    Plus, they will grow in almost any gardening zone.
    Reply:Depends on what zone you live in. I have some dwarf crepe myrtles in a small space under a window. They have pretty blooms (white, red, or pink) and are heat tolerant. I do keep them pruned so they do not overgrow.

    There are many other choices. Check out Wayside Gardens and your local extension service for more ideas.
    Reply:Gingko Biloba (Maidenhair tree) is a good choice for urban environments, as it is very polution-tolerant. It is often planted in those little squares of dirt in the middle of sidewalks. It is also very attractive in the fall. Any tree will have roots that eventually spread out well beyond the dripline of the branches, so I wouldn't plant one that close if you have a foundation that would not stand roots growing underneath it. Instead, try something like a trellis and ivy or roses.
    Reply:You may want to check with your local extension office. (most universitys that have a garden program will have info on your local one). They will be able to tell you what is good for your zone and what is the best type for you. Depending on what your knowledge base is and how much effort you want to put into it.

    They offer this help for free.

    Or you could check with your local garden club. Most city halls have info on them. They are usually made up of volunteers who are willing to show you about gardening.

    Good luck!!

  • make up tips
  • In a week, with sun & water, how much would a plant grow?? (height in cm)?

    How long is a piece of string?

    It depends on the type of plant. A sunflower would probably grow 10 cms, lemongrass would grow about 20cm and a ponytail palm would grow maybe 1mm or less....

    Hydrangea Little Honey ---Does this plant sunburn in full sun (6 hours a day)?

    I live in the fog belt of Northern California, so the sun I receive is often modified. I have small plants that are showing sunburn. I wonder if they will respond better as they grow larger.
    Hydrangea Little Honey ---Does this plant sunburn in full sun (6 hours a day)?
    First of all things are happening to plants acroos the US because everyone is in an extreme heat wave.

    Leaves keep their yellow hue well into summer!

    The Showiest Oakleaf Yet!

    Golden spring leaves, white blooms, scarlet fall foliage, and even bright red stems -- what DOESN'T Little Honey have?

    The most beautiful and distinctive Oakleaf Hydrangea I've ever had the pleasure of seeing, Little Honey adds a whole new look to this family of multi-season shrubs! A sport of the popular dwarf Pee Wee, Little Honey just oozes charm, from its bright gold foliage to its scarlet autumn tones!

    The show begins in early spring, when the large, oakleaf-shaped leaves unfurl a brilliant gold. This color remains right through spring and well into summer, eventually darkening to chartreuse and finally green just as the huge 6- to 8-inch white bloom trusses -- giant snowy wands in the shade garden! -- appear to liven things up again. And with the first nip of autumn cold, the leaves burnish a brilliant scarlet! Even the stems turn red, and if you live in the southern portion of Little Honey's hardiness range, these leaves and stems will stay put right through winter! How's that for all-season beauty!

    Just 4 feet tall and 3 feet wide, Little Honey is the perfect size for the foundation, patio, front-yard accent, or any place of honor in the sunny (in the north) to partially shaded (further south) garden. It looks terrific with its parent Pee Wee, as well as with Azaleas and Kalmias, which bloom in late spring and segue nicely into Little Honey's flower show!

    Pee Wee is famous for its garden-worthiness -- vigor, ease of care,

    Space these 2-year-old plants about 3 feet apart in any good garden soil receiving partial to full sun. Zones 5-9.

    Oakleaf Hydrangea Little Honey

    Botanical Name:

    Hydrangea quercifolia Little Honey

    Growing Zones:

    Zones 5 - 9

    Sun Exposure:

    Part Shade

    Full Sun

    Ship Form:

    Trade Gallon (3 qt)

    Product Category:


    Trees and Shrubs


    Bloom Color:


    Bloom Size:

    6 in - 8 in

    Bloom Season:

    Mid Summer

    Plant Habit:




    Cut Flowers


    Additional Features:


    Special Resistance:

    Heat Tolerant

    Drought Tolerant

    Cold Hardy

    Plant Width:

    3 ft

    Plant Height:

    4 ft
    Reply:i hope you are not sprinkling the water on flowers when sun is shining. this way you can get unnecessary sunburns - getting a hose to water it directly to soil is far better than automatic sprinkler that is on during the hot sunny day. the droplets of water act like magnifying lenses and the sun does the job and burns it.

    Whats the best vine/plant to grow for my pergola that is getting a lot of sun from noon time till sunset?

    Night jasmine or porcelain berry elegans which is a variegated vine.
    Whats the best vine/plant to grow for my pergola that is getting a lot of sun from noon time till sunset?
    A good many perennial vines would work,,wisteria,clematis,bouganvilla,rose... really depends on your climate.I have wisteria and clematis here in Montreal,,but I found that the most rewarding vine for me was the Heavenly blue morning glory which is an annual(but the seeds are viable) or the mt fiji morningglory mix for variety in color.Since you dont have early morn sun,,I think the morningglory is the best because the flowers stay open until they are hit by the sun when they then start to wither.On cloudy days I have had them stay open all day.
    Reply:what growing zone? what are the soil and water conditions?
    Reply:You might also look at japanese wisteria, clematis and jasmine.

    Wayside Gardens has a nice variety ...

    You might also find this article, "Top 10 High-Climbing Vines" of interest ...,,mp...

    Reply:I like honeysuckles. Another favorite is the Don Juan climbing rose.

    Zepherine Drouhin rose is very nice:

    Zephirine Drouhin roses don��t seem to be seriously bothered by either pests or diseases in our often harsh Arizona climate, but like other roses, they will sometimes show iron chlorosis in our alkaline soil and need iron chelate treatment. While they tolerate partial shade, Zephirine Drouhin roses don��t like full shade, as I learned this year when fast-growing mesquite trees began to heavily shade my roses, stunting their growth and drastically reducing their bloom.

    These adaptable roses also do quite well in containers, and I had one Zephirine Drouhin growing happily in a large clay pot on my patio for many years. They can eventually grow up to about 12 feet (3.7 m) tall, but those in containers won��t grow quite as large. Those in my Tucson yard seem to remain at about 6 feet (1.8 m) tall.

    Zephirine Drouhin roses are generally thornless and have pink, semi-double flowers with the wonderful classic Damask rose fragrance that has been unfortunately bred out of so many modern roses. I��m always a bit disgusted when I bend down to smell a big beautiful rose only to discover that it has no scent. Unlike these scentless impostors, Zephirine Drouhin roses actually smell like roses.

    I couldn��t find Zephirine Drouhin roses at my local plant nurseries, so I got mine from a mail order rose catalog, which is where many of the more interesting and rare rose varieties can be found. If you are looking for this rose online, the name is also variably spelled as Zephyrine Drouhin or Z��phirine Drouhin in some online rose catalogs.

    Along with Zephirine Drouhin, another climbing rose that does quite well here in Arizona is the Lady Banks Rose or Tombstone Rose (Rosa banksiae), but it is only faintly fragrant and has a short blooming period, unlike the repeat blooming Zephirine Drouhin.


    Fertilize in spring just before new growth begins.

    Needs three years to get established. Good for pillars or arches. It produces few hips. Can be a shrub or a moderate climber.

    How does a plant convert the energy from the sun to make food or other things?

    science, i might ask more
    How does a plant convert the energy from the sun to make food or other things?
    photosynthesis. thats a really complicated thing that i dont totally understand but its got something to do with chlorophyll and chloroplasts and sugar and water... i think

    I need to know how to get my Bougainvillea plant to bloom.? Is there some trick to it? Fertilizer, sun?

    Do you live in an area that gets frost? Check Sunset garden zones if you live out west. They do best in coastal areas, no freeze zones.
    I need to know how to get my Bougainvillea plant to bloom.? Is there some trick to it? Fertilizer, sun?
    Things I have been told by growers(they supply plants to the garden centers, etc.):

    Bougainvillea need well drained soil.

    At least 4-5 hours full sun per day.

    Do not overwater.

    They do not like slow release fertilizer - use water soluble fertilizer and feed when watering.
    Reply:I live in San Diego, the home of huge bougainvillea that bloom in nearly every color, except at my house! I have 5 plants, two of which are the new bush spieces and finally after 3 years one of them is blooming. I alreadly killed 5 others. I used the new Miracle Grow liquid fertilizer and believe it worked.
    Reply:Don't water it too much. I leave mine completely alone and it blooms like crazy.
    Reply:Epsom salt and water our wallmart sells epsom salt in the first aid and garden section its becomming so popular to get plants to bud.
    Reply:Agree, dont water Bougainvilleas ever unless you live in the desert or very arid climate, and then only occasionally. Also an occasional light trimming can help.
    Reply:You don't say how long ago you planted your Bougainvillea. It takes them quite awhile to adjust when they've been transplanted. There are many in our Irvine community (as well as one in my yard and one in my neighbor's yard) and I've noticed that it sometimes takes one to three years for them to start thriving and blooming. They don't seem to need much in the way of fertilizer or water, just sun and patience.
    Reply:Use a bloom fertilizer (10-54-10) and follow the directions on the box.
    Gta vice city mp question
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