Thursday, February 9, 2012

Are Begonia flowers indoor or outdoor plant - do they go in the sun or shade?

There are alot of varieties of begonias--indoor and out, sun and shade. I'm most familiar with the outdoor kinds which are planted as annuals in the south. Oudoor begonia's meant for shade have velvety bright green leaves with either pink, white or red flowers from spring to fall. Those that tolerate full sun will have a bronzish tint to the darker green leaf. Rabbits, snails and slugs love to devour these. Rabbit nibbling can be avoided with fox urine--a natural predetor--purchased from a feed store. I hope this helps!
Are Begonia flowers indoor or outdoor plant - do they go in the sun or shade?

sunny position
Reply:outdoor plants and they like lots of sun
Reply:They go well in shady areas
Reply:begonia are an indoor plant and like to be in sunlight but not direct sun also not to water while in the sunlight as this will burn them
Reply:Moderate temperatures morning sun is great for them.No direct sun in afternoon.

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