Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Have a low spot that gets lots of water, in full sun all morning hot in summer with lo humidity. ? to plant???

In front of house in decorative area. Fair drainage.
Have a low spot that gets lots of water, in full sun all morning hot in summer with lo humidity. ? to plant???
Sounds like a perfect place for a bog garden. Plants that like to have their feet wet all the time like pond plants. Pick up a few at your local nursery they a labeled as bog plants in a special section. Add Some amendments to the soil and small rocks for stability and some large rocks to edge the area and wala you have a whole different type of garden.
Reply:Try the oriental poppy, daffodil, scarlet sage or rosemary.
Reply:anything TROPICAL. Canna Lily, Tall Ornimental Grass, any climbing vines or Roses, they love the sun and have a large thirst. Clematis also would work, the blooms are absolutely breathtaking. No Hostas, they like the water but are strictly shade perennials. No morning glories, the are sensative to heat and like shade as well. Really and full sun perennial would work, shasta daisy, purple cone flowers, black eyed susans, butterfly bush,......and they are all perennials.
riding boots

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