Thursday, February 9, 2012

What can I plant under a deciduous tree?

I have a flower bed that has three dogwood trees. I don't want to and can't move the trees. In the winter when there are no leaves the bed receives full sun but in the spring and summer it is shaded under the branches. I trimmed the branches back, cut off some of them, but it really didn't change the amount of sun filtered in. So my question is (now that you have way too much information) what can I plant that will do ok in full sun and in part shade? Will part sun/shade plants do ok? I really want to plant daylilies, will they make it? I live in zone 7. Thanks for your help!
What can I plant under a deciduous tree?
I suggest hostas, ferns, and for some summer color, annual impatiens.

Daylilies generally like full sun.
Reply:Day Lillies will do well in almost ANY location....BUT....with such a cool location you have sOoooo many more cool options that are complimentary plantings for there.....




Phygelius capensis(Cape Fuschia)


If you do go with Day Lillies try pairing/mixing them with Bearded Irises...Shasta Daisies...Black eyed Susans....Agapathus...Crocosmia....damn, the list is never ending.

Good Luck!
Reply:You can plant pansies.

you will have to plant them twice a year but they will work - during the spring and summer you can plant any type of pansie you want, they will be fine in the partial shade.

During the winter, you can plany cold hardy pansies - they have been bred to survive the winter and do not mind full sun - I have seen them survive 6 inches of snow - they do well in Pennsylvania winters.

During the summer, if you want to plant something else, you can try Hostas which do well in shade. Toad lillies will do well also.

day lillies prefer more sun then less, but can do well in partial shade - most time they are listed as a partial shade/full sun plant

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